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My Top 10 – Walking Aids

Posted by Kate Makin on June 14, 2021

A picture showing a "statue" with the words – Top 10 Walking Aids – making up the "statue". In the background is a wheelchair and a walking frame

There are people who need different levels of help to get around. There are also many types of walking aids available to keep you independent, giving you the confidence of mobility and the benefits of exercise. So, I am delighted to present to you my Top 10 Walking Aids.

Why Aids for Walking?

As an Occupational Therapist (OT), aids for walking are a topic I give advice about almost every day. There is a wide range of walking aids to consider  – walking sticks, crutches and Zimmer frames to tri walkers and rollators. It depends on the level of support required when walking and the ability to hold and use a mobility aid.

Where To Use Aids for Walking

Another factor is where the person will be using their mobility aid most – either in their home indoors, or outdoors.

To narrow walking aids down to 10 was tough, but I did and here is my ultimate – Top 10 of Walking Aids!

10th Place – Tripod Walking Stick

I often feel that tripod walking sticks are overlooked, perhaps because they are less common than standard walking aids. They do provide that extra support and stability that a standard walking stick cannot.

As an OT, I have worked with many who have experienced a stroke, or who have weakness on one side. This item aids walking, providing extra stability and support.

A picture of a Tripod Walking Stick

9th Position – Folding Zimmer Frame

I could write a top 10 just on Zimmer frames! The folding Zimmer frame offers all the support, help and stability of a standard walking frame, but folds away for easy storage and travel.

This walking aid is useful for people who may not need to use it all the time, or for those who like to have an additional daily living aid, perhaps for travel, or to keep in another part of the house.

Most folding Zimmer frames are also height adjustable, some come with wheels.

A picture of a Folding Zimmer Frame

8th Position – Tri Walker

Tri walkers are often used by those who need a little extra support when out and about. They fold down for easy storage and fit into most car boots.

Many include a useful storage bag and/or basket, making them a perfect walking aid whilst out shopping.

A picture of a Tripod Walker

7th Position – Adjustable Elbow Crutches

Crutches can benefit many people; easy to use walking equipment, particularly if only used in the short term, or over short distances.

As an OT, I usually see people using crutches as a short-term measure, perhaps whilst recovering from an injury, such as a broken leg, or recovering from surgery. Most elbow crutches are height adjustable, and there are various handles available too, depending upon a person’s level of grip.

A picture of some Height Adjustable Crutches that are available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

6th Position – Fischer Grip Walking Stick

This is essentially a height-adjustable walking stick, with an ergonomically designed handle to spread the weight evenly across the palm of the hand.

This type of walking aid is ideal for people who live with arthritis in their hands, or for people who have problems with grip.

A picture of a Fischer Grip Walking Stick that's available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

5th Position – Wheeled Zimmer Frame

These wheeled walking frames are something that I come across a lot. I find that wheeled Zimmer frames are ideal for people who need quite a lot of support when walking, but who would find lifting and moving a standard Zimmer frame difficult to manage – the wheels just add that little bit of help that is sometimes needed.

Zimmer frames are everyday walking aids that most people will be aware of. Still, the range that is now available makes them increasingly popular for people in their own homes, as well as in care homes and hospital settings. Having two wheels on the frame makes them easier to move. Frames are a reliable and sturdy walking aid. I also like that there are various sizes and widths available to suit the individual and their home and how much space they have.

A picture of a Wheeled Walking Zimmer Frame that's available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

4th Position – Folding Walking Stick

What I really like about these walking aids is that they’re lightweight and are easy to transport and store. They are ideal for people who need some support when they are walking, but do not need support all of the time. You can literally fold the walking aid up and out of the way when it is not being used into a compact size.

There are so many different colours and patterns available in this type of walking aid; you could almost buy a range of aids to match different outfits!

A picture of some Folding Walking Sticks that are available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

3rd Position – Walking Frame Caddy

I just love this walking frame accessory and recommend it to many people I see. It is a specifically designed basket that attaches onto most non-folding walking frames. Having this aid means that people can easily carry items around the house with them.

Something that people will often comment on is that they can’t carry anything when they need to use a walking aid. With this product, that is no longer the case! The walking frame caddy allows people to safely carry and transport food and drinks from one room to another in a sturdy and durable basket. This is a must have walking frame accessory and a real benefit when it comes to your independent living.

A picture of the Buckingham Caddy that's available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

2nd Position – Adjustable Height Walking Cane

This is probably the most basic type of walking aid available. What I really like about adjustable height walking canes is that they’re simple, straightforward, easy to use, and are the perfect walking aid for a range of different people.

Walking sticks of this type can be adjusted in height to suit the person, and they have comfortable, easy to grip handles. Walking sticks like this are low cost and have a simple design and many are lightweight. They also provide that extra bit of support and stability that people often need for their independence. Walking aids do not need to be complicated, and often, simplicity is key.

A picture of a Height Adjustable Folding Walking Stick that's available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

1st Position – Four Wheel Rollator

There is a big range of rollators available. My favourite rollators have to be the ones with four wheels and a seat. What could be better than a sturdy and strong mobility aid and a seat all in one? I like the stability and benefit of four wheeled rollators, as the four wheels, the brakes and the seating makes these types of rollators ideal for people who often need to sit down and rest whilst out walking, or popping into town when doing their everyday, daily living tasks.

Rollators are an increasingly popular choice of mobility aid. They benefit so many people, and rollators help to keep people mobile and safe when out walking and provide some much needed support.

A picture of a Four Wheeled Rollator that's available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

With all of the mobility aids mentioned, there are many different accessories and equipment that can be purchased separately, such as replacement rubber ferrules for the feet of your walking aids.

Various ferrules that are available for sale on the Ability Superstore website

Do take a look on the Ability Superstore website, or call us to find out more about the many accessories you can shop for. There’s never been a better time to improve your health.

A picture of the Home Page of the Ability Superstore website

Get In Touch

I hope this Top 10 post has been helpful. There are so many different mobility aids and walking aids available and I believe, as an Occupational Therapist, there is the right type of walking aid out there for everyone who needs some support when walking. Keeping mobile is so important, now more than ever, which is why choosing the right type of walking aid is key.  

Mobility Aids Top 10

We are always happy to receive feedback from our customers about your shopping experience and the services and information we offer. This also applies to our Mobility Aids Top 10s.

There are many different types of aids available from mobility scooters to wheelchairs and walkers, and new ones are introduced every week.

Are there any particular mobility aids you would like to have in a Top 10? Or any products, or equipment that you would like to get my expert and honest opinion on? Is there any specific advice, or information you need that will help to make your life easier?

Please do get in contact with us. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. You can email us at, or call us free on 0800 255 0498 and speak to our Customer Service team. We also have a Contact Us page on our website.