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Posted by Thomas Bynde on July 19, 2018
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Monday marks the beginning of National Parks Week, a week created to celebrate the fifteen beautiful national parks in the UK. This family-friendly festival offers a range of diverse events, from canoeing to crafting, so we've compiled our top tips to help you get the most out of National Parks Week, along with our favourite national parks in the UK.
The Yorkshire Dales has some of the most beautiful scenes in the country, making it the perfect location to go searching for red squirrels. Consisting of a gentle 1½ mile trek through the peaceful forests, this activity is suitable for nature-lovers of all ages and abilities.
Everyone loves a treasure hunt, and the Geocaching Treasure Hunt is no different. Great for families, you can join The National Trust, Cleveland Way National Trail and the National Park on a quest to find treasure, using GPS units and clue-solving skills!
If you fancy celebrating National Parks Week in a more active way, you could join in with the Ballock Run'n'Park! With 2k and 5k runs, you don't need to register or pay at all, just turn up and have fun. The runs are suitable for all ages, and you can read more about the event here.
If you want a more relaxing trip to your local national park, you could pack up a picnic and enjoy the nature all around you.
Are you visiting any national parks? Tweet us @AbilitySStore about your plans this summer!